Latest News

Want to Get Involved

We need volunteers to help out with the group.

If you can help please get in touch with your section leader. See below for a list of current vacancies.

1.HQ Maintenance

(General Duties within JAC)


Dates For Your Diary

1.Saturday 5th Feb 2022.

Fundraising Race Night. 5.45pm onwards

Contact Us

If you would like to get in touch with us please click on the link below to send an email.

Or you can talk to your section leader.

More Info

Weekly Meetings


The Beaver Scout section is for young people aged 6-8.

We currently have 1 Beaver Scout Colony:

Thursday: 5.30pm-7.00pm


The Cub Scout section is for young people aged 8-101⁄2.

We currently have 2 Cub Scout Packs:

Monday: 6.00pm-7.30pm

Wednesday: 6.30pm-8.00pm


The Scout section is for young people aged 101⁄2-14.

We currently have 2 Scout Troops:

Monday:  7.30pm-9.00pm

Thursday: 7.30pm-9.00pm



The Explorer section is for young people aged 14-18

We currently have 1 Explorer Unit:

Tuesday: 7.30-9.00

The Jack Addis Centre, Burton Latimer

About us

Founded by Jack Addis in 1939, Scouting activities have been taking place at 1st Burton Latimer Scout Group for over 80 years.

The Group consists of

1 Beaver Scout Colony,

2 Cub Scout Packs,

2 Scout Troops,

A Group Scout Leader (GSL) and the Group Executive Committee.

We currently meet at the Jack Addis Centre, our Scout HQ. This can be found at the rear of 1 Higham Road, Burton Latimer, NN15 5PU.

1st Burton Latimer Scout Group is part of Glendon District Scouts.

Our Scouts feed into the Glendon District Explorer Scouts Section which runs 4 Units for young people aged 14-18.
